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I like this game


does my potato pc can support it ?

I survived the big honker

good game look at my video for my reaction

Hello..I liked this game  But the game need somethings like intro animation,graphic quality and Multiplayer mode (because i dont like play alone :/ ) And is thats..Have an good Game :)

amazing game!


Hello . your game sucks. I have a powerful pc and I lost half of the things in my computer because of these games. and as if its not enough, the games lag as not possible, impossible to do whatever it is. it is a scandal !

blud 💀

blud its your pc problem not the creators so stop yapping


is this game made for low end pc?

Didn't get far.

why your game has a virus


(1 edit)

if you downlaod the game google cancel it why and google say the game has a virus

and if you downlaod the mb is lOl not lOO

I din't get very far, my recording was laggy, still made you a lil video. Good stuff! : 


siren head low key is the best...

I might just be the worst FBI agent ever. Played through many Siren Games this was one of them. Timestamp for this game: 09:10 - 12:10

YouTube: MrMBenting be sure to subscribe If you enjoy


Been there done it! I think.... 5 clues good enough? It's the first game of the 3. Well done but found a lot of walkable stuff that were not supposed to be. Fun and spooky since he is sneaky as hell! XD

So empty and strange FBI business practices but not bad! 4:23 Distant Siren by gernermale in


This is probably a silly question, but how do you play .rar files?


You'll have to extract the files with WinRAR or something similar, and then you should get a file you can actually play. Or you can download the desktop client and install the game that way, which should  bypass the need for doing anything special with the .rar file.

The app didn't find a file so I'll try WinRAR- thanks!


first downlaod win rar and after you downlaod win rar right click this file and find extract and that is it ez

Lots of siren games

What if siren head gets into the basement 

Game got me a couple times, that Siren Head is a sneaky dude! Starts at 11:31!

Deleted post

the FBI should be looking for onii chan


SirenHead Video available on channel meanwhile.

I like this take on the siren head games. Very good, even got jumped scared by our good friend mr. siren head.

played this one its pretty good it was a lot better than i expected. Your game is the 2nd one i played

this was a good game 


The massive cover-up begins as one ends. The FBI uses me to cover their tracks while the terrible truth behind my relationship with Siren Head is revealed D:

YOUTUBER: Maya, The Bubble E1
(SUBSCRIBE today to keep sneaky FBI cover up mysteries at bay!)

Oh my god that was scary. I loved the mechanics of it!